Incentives and Credit

S.A.L.T Credits

R&D Credit

EECBD 179D Credits

If you are a commercial building owner who has made improvements to your building, you may be eligible for a major reduction in your tax liability. In the past several years, both Congress and recent administrations have placed significant emphasis on initiatives.

You first need to know that for an energy-efficient building to qualify or partially qualify; it does not have to have grass growing on the roof or a windmill powering its electrical systems. As commercial buildings are responsible for 70% of rational energy usage, creating more energy-efficient buildings can offer rewards. In response to the nation’s energy consumption issues, Congress passed the Energy Policy Act of 2005, creating a federal incentive to reward the design and installation of upgraded systems in commercial and government-owned buildings.

Who can qualify?

The deduction is available to building owners and lessees who make energy-efficient improvements to their commercial buildings, including:

  • Retail buildings
  • Office buildings
  • Industrial buildings
  • Apartment buildings (at least 4 stories)
  • Warehouses

Our Expertise:

Our diverse UBOS staff is fully knowledgeable in the requirements of the 179D deduction. Our services are done in line with IRS standards, providing trusted and proven results.

Our Services Include:

  • No Cost preliminary analysis
  • Energy modeling and certification
  • Deliverable comprehensive study