CPA Alliance


Join UBOS’s alliance

CPA’s & Tax Professionals

  • What does it take to build a top-dollar tax practice? What does it take to fill your office with satisfied clients, eager to pay premium fees and refer you to friends and family?
  • You could try giving them the same “numbers in boxes” as everyone else. (And wind up with the same results as everyone else.)
  • Or you can give your clients an edge. You can give them a plan, to “beat the IRS,” legally, morally, and ethically. You can give them the savings they really want!
  • UBOS turns you into a true tax planner and trusted advisor. It give you the tools and techniques you need to stand out from the crowd and attract the high-value clients you really want.
  • Are you just starting your tax practice? UBOS can jump-start your growth and generate immediate income without expensive direct mail, social media, or telemarketing programs.
  • Are you looking to take an established practice to the next level? UBOS can help you leverage your most valuable client relationships into higher fees and predictable, recurring revenue.
  • If you want more from your tax practice — like a year-round stream of happy, satisfied clients, eager to pay premium fees, enthusiastic to refer friends, family, and associates, then read on. This information may change the way you look at your business.

Deliver True Tax Planning

Traditional tax “planning” spreadsheets don’t actually plan anything. They project future tax liabilities in excruciating detail – usually far more detail than clients need or even appreciate. It leaves you the job of translating spreadsheets into concepts and strategies. And it’s obsolete every time Congress changes the law. Is it any wonder clients are confused?

But how do you introduce, explain, and implement those strategies? How do you choose the best strategies for each client? That’s where UBOS comes in.

“True tax planning” works like what happens when you visit the doctor

Typically, three things happen when you visit a doctor:

  • First, the doctor examines you and diagnoses the problem.
  • Next, the doctor prescribes the solution. What’s it going to take to fix the problem?
  • Finally, someone fills the prescription. That might involve a trip to the pharmacy for medication. It might mean surgery. It might mean physical therapy. But if the problem is serious, it’s not just going to fix itself.

UBOS-style tax planning follows that same model.

  • The “diagnosis” typically takes the form of a free tax assessment. You’ll look over your prospect’s business and personal tax returns and ask you a series of questions about their goals and resources. (Don’t worry if this sounds intimidating. Our “Rosetta Stone” presentation helps you quickly identify opportunities from your prospect’s returns. We can even help you turn current clients into planning prospects without worrying about embarrassing yourself for not having done this previously.)
  • The prescription takes the form of a written tax plan that introduces clients to the right concepts and strategies. Everything is footnoted and sourced to the relevant tax code sections, Treasury regulations, or appropriate authorities.
  • Finally, the UBOS’s Tax Operating System® “fills the prescription.” This includes the implementation guides, checklists, forms, and templates, and referrals to specialists that you need to put the strategies to work, document them properly, and audit-proof your returns.”